Content of individual fields and abbreviations used
Below you will find detailed information on the content of individual fields on the vessel registration document form.
a1. Registration number
Field a1 contains information about the vessel's registration number.
The registration number of a vessel is made up of:
1) the abbreviation POL - in the case of a sea-going vessel or the abbreviation PL - in the case of an inland waterway vessel;
2) the next number in the register, consisting of a combination of six letters and numbers .
Registration numbers may also appear in which the abbreviation POL or PL is followed by a sequence of letters or numbers shorter than six-digits if the unit was registered under the provisions in force before the entry into force of the Act of 12 April 2018 on the registration of yachts and other floating vessels up to 24 m in length. The owner exercised the right to retain the number.
a2. Identification Number
Field a2 contains information on the identification number of the vessel. The identification number of the vessel is the number assigned to it by the manufacturer and placed on the hull of this unit in accordance with EU regulations (Regulation of the Minister of Development of 2 June 2016 on requirements for recreational vessels and water scooters (Journal of Laws item 807) implementing the so-called RCD directive) - the WIN number (Watercraft Identification Number) , and in the case of older units - the HIN number (Hull Identification Number ) or the CIN number (Craft Identification Number) .
If the vessel has not been assigned an identification number or it cannot be confirmed in a sufficient manner, the registration authority assigns the vessel an individual identification number (INI) which is not subject to change during the life of the vessel. The INI number is not placed on the hull.
a3. Name
Field a3 contains information on the name of the vessel, if it has been assigned by the owner. Seagoing yachts must have a name in accordance with the provisions of art. 12 of the Act of 18 September 2001 - Maritime Code (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2018, item 2175), while inland yachts do not have to have a name, and if they have not been given a name, they must only be marked with the name or sign of the shipowner in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 21 December 2000 on inland navigation (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1568, as amended). In such a case, three dashes will appear in field a3.
Name of vessel:
1) may consist of letters and characters used in the Polish language and Arabic or Roman numerals;
2) cannot be longer than 33 characters;
3) it may not be identical in terms of spelling or pronunciation to the spelling or pronunciation of words used to designate rescue services and their activities;
4) it may not contain words or phrases generally considered vulgar or offensive.
The names of vessels up to 24 m in length may be repeated.
a4. Home port
Field a4 contains information about the home port of the vessel. For a sea yacht, this must be one of the Polish sea ports. For vessels used exclusively on inland waterways, the owner may indicate any location in Poland as the home port.
a5. Inland or maritime registration
Field a5 contains information whether the vessel is registered as an inland vessel – in which case the letter "Ś " will appear , or as a maritime vessel – in which case the letter "M" will appear in field a5 .
If in the application for registration the owner declares that he will operate the vessel on inland waterways and sea waters, the yacht will be registered as a sea yacht.
a6. Purpose
In field a6 there is information about the purpose of the vessel. One of the symbols will appear here, meaning:
JR - recreational yacht ,
JK - commercial yacht ,
AR - a vessel used for amateur fishing in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 18 April 1985 on inland fishing,
JR/R - recreational yacht used for amateur fishing within the meaning of art. 7 sec. 1 of the Act of 18 April 1985 on inland fishing or for recreational fishing within the meaning of art. 2 sec. 1 item 22 of the Act of 19 December 2014 on sea fishing ,
JK/R - a commercial yacht used for amateur fishing within the meaning of art. 7 sec. 1 of the Act of 18 April 1985 on inland fishing or recreational fishing within the meaning of art. 2 sec. 1 item 22 of the Act of 19 December 2014 on sea fishing ,
RYB - a floating unit used for fishing .
a7. Main drive
In field a7 there is information about the main drive of the vessel. One of the symbols will appear here, meaning:
Ż – sail drive ,
M – mechanical drive ,
BN – a unit without a drive , powered by human muscle power,
IN – other .
a8. Information about the power of the main drive or auxiliary drive
In field a8, in the case of motor units, there is information about the power of the main drive (expressed in kW). In the case of sailing units, if the unit is equipped with an auxiliary mechanical drive - the abbreviation " PNM " will appear . Any replacement of the engine with a model with different parameters will not result in the obligation to replace the registration document by the owner of the sailing yacht. If the owner provided information about the engine in the registration application, it will be in the register and will be available to entities with access to the REJA24 system, although it will not be reflected on the document. However, if necessary, it can be used, for example, to identify stolen equipment or prevent its re-legalization.
a9. Length
Field a9 contains information about the vessel's hull length in meters .
a10. Max width
Field a10 contains information about the width of the vessel's hull in meters.
a11. Max. draft
Field a11 contains information about the maximum draft of the vessel.
a12. Number of hulls
Field a12 contains information about the number of hulls of the vessel.
a13. Max. number of people
Field a13 contains information on the maximum permissible number of people on board the vessel, determined with regard to stability parameters. In the absence of documentation, if the vessel has not been issued a CE declaration of conformity or other documentation issued by an authorized entity enabling the determination of data on the maximum permissible number of people on board the vessel, three dashes appear in field a13.
a14. Design category Max wind force and wave height
Field a14 contains information on the design category and the maximum wind force and maximum wave height for which the unit was designed in accordance with the requirements of the RCD Directive (2013/53/EU) implemented into national law by the provisions of the Regulation of the Minister of Development of 2 June 2016 on the requirements for recreational vessels and water scooters (Journal of Laws item 807). The regulations define 4 design categories of vessels marked with letter symbols, respectively: A, B, C or D. Vessels in each category must be designed and built so as to meet the requirements of operation, stability and buoyancy depending on the wind force and wave height.
If the vessel has not been assigned a design category, three dashes will appear in field a14.
b1. Registration date
Field b1 contains information about the vessel's registration date.
b2. Registration document number
Field b2 contains information about the series and number of the registration document.
b3. Issuing authority
Field b3 contains information about which authority registered the vessel and issued it a document.
c1. Owner (W) shipowner (A)
In field c1 the letter "W " may appear, denoting the owner or co-owner, or the letter "A" denoting the shipowner .
c2. and c3 Name and surname or business name
Fields c2 and c3 contain data on the owner, co-owner or shipper.
c4. Number of owners.
Field c4 contains information about the number of owners. The document may only contain data about two co-owners. If there are more than two co-owners, their data will be available in the REJA24 system, and field c4 will contain information about their number.